Tag Archives: legs

Quick Circuit Monday


Let s go!

Your accessories for tonight -GO!

It‘s a rainy night here. What better place to keep warm than the gym?

You can work your legs by doing some box jumps, 1 minutes each, repeat the circuit 2-3 times:

Straddle the box, jump on top, then jump back down. Land soft.

Squat jumps:

Face the box, jump up, landing in a squat, then back down. Use your arms to propel you, abs tight, chest up, land soft. Don’t lock your knees.

Simple toe touchers:

Face the box then touch the edge with your toes, alternating your legs as fast as you can. Keep your abs tight, back straight, no slouching. Use your arms to help with the movement.

Work your core, repeat the circuit 2-3 times:

Tricep push ups:

Place your hands on the box, directly under your shoulder. Keep your elbows close to your body, legs out in a plank position, core tight, butt down. Lower yourself a couple inches from the box, then push back up. Hands stay glued to your sides, elbows to the back of the room, no chicken wings. Do 12 of these. If it’s too hard, come down on your knees.


Lower your body a few inches from the box and hover for 30 seconds. Abs tight, butt down, straight line from your head to your toes. If it’s too hard, just hover with your arms straight, or come only halfway down and do a top half hover.

Add an oblique twist:

Turn your body to the right, right arm comes up to the ceiling, scissor or stack your legs, then back to the middle. Repeat 8 times on each side.

If you’re up for the challenge, hold the side plank, lifting up one leg and one arm towards the ceiling. Hold the pose for 30 seconds each side.

To wind down, finish off the circuit with a mountain climbers super set:

 Hands on the box, body in plank position, pick up one leg, bring it in toward your chest, place it down, bring in the other leg. Pick up the pace, quickly alternating the legs. Brace your core, abs tight and engaged. Do 1 minute as fast as you can, 30-second rest, do 45 seconds, 30-second rest, 30 seconds of mountain climbers, 30 second rest and for the last 15 seconds, go as fast as you can. Set fire to the ground, finish strong!

Now go stretch and enjoy your weekend!:)

*if there’s no box available, you can use a bench, a stool or a chair, so long as it’s sturdy and stable enough. We don’t need any face planks and assorted injuries, right?